Değiştirilebilir kesici uç seti U16-20-25-32, yedek çeneolmadan

ROTHENBERGER press jaws in proven material and manufacturing quality are suitable for system-compliant pressing of fittings made of metal or plastic systems. The use of a special hardening process, DURA LAZR TEC technology, and partial laser hardening enables precise and safe pressing with increased durability at the same time. The result is minimized wear and 100% more pressing cycles compared to the previous model. Furthermore, long-term corrosion protection supports the longevity of the pressing jaws. With the use of a heavy-duty special steel, the press jaws are suitable for all press machines with an axial thrust force of 19kN.

Choosen variant:Değiştirilebilir kesici uç seti U16-20-25-32, yedek çeneolmadan
Article number:14869
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