The ROTHENBERGER copper tube inner brushes efficiently The ROTHENBERGER internal brushes for copper pipes support the preparation of the copper pipe prior to soldering. The oxide layer is removed reliably over a large area.

Choosen variant:Bakır tüp iç fırça, 12 mm
Article number:854181
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  • Durable brushes with sturdy plastic handle for efficient removal of oxide layer before soldering
  • Copper tube inner brush, 12 mm

Choose a variant

Bakır tüp iç fırça, 12 mm


Copper tube inner brush, 12 mm

Bakır tüp iç fırça, 28mm


Copper tube inner brush, 28mm

Bakır tüp iç fırça, 8mm


Kupferrohr-Innenbürste, 8mm

Bakır tüp iç fırça, 14mm


Copper tube inner brush, 14mm

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