

ROTHENBERGER Tex. Alet ve Mak. San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.

ROTHENBERGER Center, Barboros Bulvarı No. 9, TR- 34775 S¸ erifali / Ümraniye Istanbul

Phone: + 90 216 / 4 49 24 85 Fax: + 90 216 / 4 49 24 87


VAT No.: 1490043452
Tax no.: 1490043452

Registered at: Istanbul
Registration number: 2306-8

Managing directors: Ugur Evren Hammas

Directors: Dr. Sabine Rothenberger, Ugur Evren Hammas

Liability for contents

ROTHENBERGER provides the information on this website as general information about the companies of the ROTHENBERGER Group and their products. The information provided has been carefully checked. Nevertheless, ROTHENBERGER cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness, quality or up-to-dateness of the information provided.

ROTHENBERGER reserves the right to change, supplement or delete the contents of this website at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. Liability for possible consequences of such adjustments is excluded.

Liability for links

The listed external links lead to contents of external providers. The respective provider is solely responsible for these contents. ROTHENBERGER assumes no responsibility for the correctness or legality of the contents of such websites. The responsibility for access to linked websites of third parties lies solely with the website visitor. If violations of the law become known, these links will be removed immediately.

Copyright/ Exploitation rights

The publications on these pages - information, texts, images, photographs, sound documents and video sequences, designs, graphics, logos, symbols, names, product, business and company designations, etc. - are subject to copyright and, in some cases, to intellectual property rights. - are subject to copyright law, and in some cases to trademark and design law. This website does not grant any licence for the use of the intellectual property of companies of the ROTHENBERGER Group. Unauthorised use, reproduction or passing on of individual contents or complete pages will be prosecuted under both criminal and civil law. In this case, only according to German civil law, injunctive relief and damages, surrender or destruction of the reproduction devices as well as public announcement of the judgement are possible. Claims for injunctive relief are secured by the court with orderly fines of up to 250,000.00 euros or orderly imprisonment of up to six months. In the event of criminal prosecution, prison sentences of up to 5 years may be imposed in individual cases.

Contributions by third parties are marked as such. Duplication, processing and any kind of utilisation outside the limits of copyright law require the consent of ROTHENBERGER or the respective author.

Data protection

For data protection, please read our separate data protection information.